Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Opinion Editorials

Dress Code Editorial

Strengths:  It is very well organized, very persuasive in utilizing reasonable evidence and support of accepting adherence to the BYU Honor and Dress Code; it appeals to the disregarding students boldly, yet politely, and shares personal, relatable experiences.  She also includes light-hearted yet pertinent humor and the author seems a person of good character--her values are clear.

Weaknesses:  She could include more factual, statistical or experimental validation of the effects of dress code adherence, and could use stronger, more sophisticated transitions.

PDA Editorial

Strengths:  I found the speaker's almost sassy, sarcastic and wholesome sense of humor made the enlightening, inspiring article also entertaining.  Her outside support and appeal to the PDA victims presents a perspective before unexplored while proposing solutions for improvement.

Weaknesses:  Minimal here; perhaps she seemed at times obscenely harsh in her PDA criticism, but always followed with a more understandable, reasonable elaboration of her feelings/beliefs.

Wrestling's Dirty Secret

Strengths:  The author omits a complete, steady control and passionate review over the corrupt wrestling weight loss, and is effectively organized and grammatically flawless in his approach.  He presents multiple logical, practical solutions to the urgent issue addressed.

Weaknesses:  His weaknesses are nearly nonexistent, it's all a around a truthful, powerful article; however, it wouldn't hurt to have added the weight loss problems correlating to other sports, to reel in a more broad audience in terms of audience intrigue.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I like the phrase "PDA victims". I definitely agree the humor was a strength for the PDA editorial, but I also think a weakness of the paper was that she lacked credibility.
